Indian Civil Services is one of the most prestigious public service examinations held in the Union of India. The exam dates, applications, roll numbers, preparation tips, results; subsequent screening rounds are all a matter of wide coverage in the print and electronic media. The fortunate few who are able to sustain the beatings of the selection committee go on to head important positions for civil services and utilities like public works, civic administration, municipal offices, road transport, electricity, infrastructure, etcetera.
The mechanism set up is very unique and a gift of the British Empire, as during that era, it was a sense of pride to be a Civil Servant and so it is now. But look around, actions speak louder than words. Almost every civic department, rather, every civic department is over burdened, stretched to its limit. The reason does not lie in staffing. There is a huge army of Head clerks, assistants, helpers, office boys, Gazette officers, that’s millions of workforce at a country’s disposal. But how much are we getting out of it?
The smart reader will try to get the point here, and the solution. The solution lies on a simple theory. What do you do when you have to get a File from a point A in the city to point B, let’s assume that the distance between them is couple of blocks. The Indian solution now is hiring a office boy who waits until the end of the day so that all such Files accumulate and pile up, and then at the end of the day, or perhaps, next day they all would be carried to their destination, where pending clearance, they will have to be sent back. This is how things work in almost every civic office, resulting in delays. And if there is miscarriage or loss in transit, as it happens quite often, there is no way to track what went wrong and where it went wrong.
There have been so many theories from eminent scholars, mathematicians and economists that mean in layman’s term, “Everything is related.” Now based on that, let’s go back to our example of file transit. Let’s first ask, what is the File? What is it made up of? Is it bulky, sensitive, light, and urgent? Well in our case, it is a set of documents, an application for cooking gas or LPG connection. Now that means it could be a stack of papers, and there are hundreds of such stacks, several files, a lot of paper. The starting point A is a huge hall with a lot of crammed up people, fans, lights, clerks, desks, tables, and a huge commotion. Isn’t there another way, a workaround so that we can handle these Files in a more efficient manner? Well we can go online.
Setting up an online empire is not something that has to be done from scratch. There are platforms that are successfully operating, not only on a nationwide scale, but globally. The intelligent reader is by now wondering what it is that operates on such a biblical scale but still is untapped for its full potential. It handles the most sought after commodity, in millions, is trustworthy, private and at the same time public. Quite obviously it has to be a network, on a network; it has to be ATM. ATM for Automated Teller Machine or ATM for Asynchronous Transfer Mode, which is a means of digital communications that is capable of very high speeds; suitable for transmission of images or voice or video as well as data, both serve our purpose, are not very expensive. Of course, there needs to be a trained manpower that would provide support and maintenance.and yet at the same time it would not need a jet pilot to operate such a machine.
In a nation of IT giants, the world’s back office, certainly this isn’t an impossible feat. Terminals can be set up, software can be licensed and sold, that can be installed on home desktops, and portables, unique ID and password could be generated on the lines of UIN or SSN. Even the software or the firmware can be derived from most existing internet banking CRMs and tweaked further, tabs added for additional utilities like Electricity Bills, Water Bills, Taxes, Registrations.
What do we gain? The average reader now wonders what’s in it for me. Plain and direct, you are not a burden on the infrastructure, you wont waste paper, you wont waste fuel, you wont create commotion, you wont waste time, there would be lesser crowd and commotion, and most importantly, you might just wont even have to leave the comfort of your home. For those who are not so privileged to have a desktop and internet connection, we can set up ATM like terminals at prominent squares and localities just like existing ATM machines.
Implementing this or the challenge to do this is the next big ‘It’ and it is based on the simple theory of tackling a problem at its source.
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Disclaimer: This blog post is an entry to Intel’s contest – My India App Story
Check out the Intel® Atom™ Developer Program, if you are looking for an opportunity to build and monetize your applications. You can sell through Intel’s storefront – Intel AppUp Center. Intel has also set up a Million Dollar Development Fund to support developers who are looking at building innovative apps. For more details check out
Disclaimer: This blog post is an entry to Intel’s contest – My India App Story
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